Faculty grants are available to conduct international research or creative projects. While a lower priority, the grants may also support travel to international conferences.

Applications for Winter 2024-25 travel grants can be submitted until October 1, 2024.

Thank you, 

Dean Rusk International Studies Program

This funding supports visits from distinguished scholars, visiting faculty, writers, performing artists and professors of practice. The primary purpose of such visits will be to engage Davidson College students in innovative, stimulating, and meaningful ways. Preferences will be given to visits that enhance new areas of inquiry or promote new cross-disciplinary initiatives.

The Group Investigations Program provides funding for off-campus trips that support the learning objectives of a course or that provide a learning opportunity that enhances the undergraduate experience. Applications for a spring semester course/program (including summer trips) are due by October 1st in the prior semester applications for a fall semester course/program (including winter break) are due by February 1st of the prior semester. Funding is typically limited to $15,000 per grant. Higher budgets are approved for international GIs.

Faculty members planning international programs, even optional excursions, must work with the Office of Education Abroad to ensure that all Davidson-sponsored travel follows consistent policies for program development, student selection and preparation, and sound risk management for travel plans. Faculty members are required to schedule a meeting with Naomi Otterness, the Director of Education Abroad, to discuss their proposed student group travel plans at least two weeks before completing the Group Investigations application. For further information about general practices and expectations for taking students abroad, please also review the International Excursions Leader Agreement, as well as the Standards of Good Practice for Education Abroad

All programs must operate in accordance with the College's expectations for responsible budgetary practices. Leaders receiving grants for group travel will sign an agreement collected by the Office of Sponsored Programs on behalf of the VPAA before funds will be distributed. Group leaders are also required to have a post-award meeting with the Assistant Director of Sponsored Programs and Post-Award Manager, to go over accessing the funds while traveling and creating expense reports in Oracle upon return.


Funds may be provided to assist with the publication of manuscripts that have received final acceptance for publication by a scholarly press or public dissemination of artistic work. A copy of the letter of agreement and any invoices must be submitted with the application. Fundable expenses include: cost of reprints of articles published in scholarly journals; per page journal fees (not covered by publisher or royalties); indexing; preparation of photos, line drawings, or other artistic assistance; expenses related to exhibitions in which their work will be shown. A funding ceiling for these grants will be established on an annual basis by the VPAA. 


   1. 1. All full-time faculty, regardless of rank, are eligible to apply.

   2. These grants are independent of FS&R applications.

   3. Decisions are made on a rolling basis.

   4. Once awarded, send letter of agreement (contract) and receipts to Scott Claunch for reimbursement.

Application Deadline: Rolling.


Faculty Study and Research (FS&R) grants support professional activities, including summer study, research and other scholarly and creative pursuits as well as provide support for student research assistants. FS&R grants are intended as incubators and as a pedagogical tool for early-career faculty as they develop their independent scholarship and learn grantsmanship skills. FS&R grants are also useful as a boost for mid-career faculty between the Associate and Full Professor ranks. The FS&R Committee thus prioritizes investing in junior faculty and making long-term investments in Davidson.

FS&R has one annual deadline in January/February for projects that occur anytime between the summer and the end of the following academic year (April). New FS&R funding cannot be considered until the current project is complete and expenses have been reconciled.

FS&R cannot fund professional development (professional training or education in a specific field or discipline), or travel to professional meetings. FS&R funding also does not cover projects that arise outside of the strict application cycle of the FS&R granting process. 

Unanticipated/Urgent Projects:

The College recognizes that projects may arise similar to FS&R projects but that could not have been anticipated at the time of the regular FS&R deadline. These may be projects with urgency regarding the availability of, or access to, data, performances, or events; or quick-response research on natural or anthropogenic disasters. To inquire about support for these unanticipated or urgent projects, please email facultydevelopment@davidson.edu.

Professional Development: 

Distinct from the professional travel allowance for travel reimbursement to professional meetings, funding in this category is tied directly to professional training or education in a specific field or discipline. For example, a faculty member could propose to attend a workshop, seminar, or artistic event to generate new ideas for research or teaching or to further develop professional expertise. For inquiries related to professional development as described here, please email facultydevelopment@davidson.edu.


FS&R Funding level:

Maximum funding level for all faculty, including continuing visiting faculty, is $5,000.


FS&R Guidelines:

· A faculty member may submit a proposal that contains more than one project, but the rationale and justification for requesting funds for multiple projects must be clear.

· Research-based trips must be justified and clearly linked to a specific research project.

· Collaborative proposals are welcome. Each faculty member will, however, be required to submit a separate application. The project description can be jointly written, but individual group members must include a discussion of their specific contributions to the project.

· Post-Award – Faculty are required to attend a post-award information session regarding hiring student assistants, approving student timesheets, hiring international students, project expenditures, financial reporting, and other post-award matters.

· FS&R final reports – Final expense reports are due by the end of April.

Allowable funding categories:

· Student Assistant – The minimum wage for summer students conducting collaborative research with faculty on college funds is $15.00 per hour. This is considered taxable income and the students will have taxes deducted from their pay.

· Materials and Supplies – Expendable items necessary to carry out the work of the project including laboratory supplies, glassware, chemicals, and reagents. Equipment necessary for the project worth less than $5,000. Books are excluded as these can be requested through the library.

· Technology – Software, computing devices, compute fees, peripherals, etc. if not otherwise available through T&I.

· Clerical and translation services – Could include book indexing, transcriptions, and translations.

· Travel – Per diem (lodging, meals and incidentals) must be based on standard GSA government rates. Personal travel segments should be clearly identified on the application.

· Participant incentives – Payments to participants involved in human subjects’ research. See also the College’s Gift Card Policy.


Review Criteria can be found at this link.




You are submitting a budget proposal for a Department Chair Grant. The application deadline is December 15, 2023. Please note that requests are limited to $5,000. Also:

  • Project periods can start as early as January 1, 2024, with a completion date on or before September 30, 2024.
  • Final budget reconciliations for projects are due no later than October 15, 2024.
  • Once awarded, Chairs may set up a post-award meeting with LuAnne Sledge, Assistant Director/Post-Award Manager, to go over accessing the funds, creating expense reports in Oracle, and P-Card use.

Office of Sponsored Programs